Our “Guitarplay Service” offers a variety of guitar  repair services for any degree of complexity – acoustic, electric and bass guitars.

With each order we work individually by studying it, offering and solving the best solution for you.

How to hand a guitar in for a service?

1) Come to our office on Elizabetes street 75, 3rd staircase, 3rd floor, room 22

2) Leave your contact information and description of the problem in the administration. Master will contact you by phone.

3) Standard processing time for one service order is 3-5 business days. There’s a deadline set for a more complex repairs.

4) When we return the repaired guitar, we also submit a service report for the activities performed, details used, as well as master notes and recommendations for future improvements.

You can send questions and problem descriptions (preferably with pictures) to info@gitarspele.lv (with the reference – service) or call 28683625.

  • We supply spare parts (strings, sound strippers, lamps, ladders, parts, etc.) or we work with your own suppliers.
  • We give advice and help realize dreams – we make all sorts of modifications to your guitar.

We remind you that for the instruments integrity, it must be kept up to date on a technical basis – we recommend that you perform the maintenance regularly! (by yourselves or by our Guitar Service!)